Defensa y Justicia - Godoy Cruz
HT 2-1
Won, profit +28.70
Godoy Cruz has won 3 of the last 5 encounters here and each time both teams have scored each other in 4 of the 5. With Godoy Cruz seeking a win here, I believe they can open the scores and Defensa has also to respond with a goal. I think we can have an active first part of the game with both teams expected to score.
Tips | Avg stake | Stake | Avg odds | Yield | Profit | |
Total | 140 | 9.14 | 1279 | 3.68 | -27.4% | -349.9 |
This month | 28 | 9.07 | 254 | 3.73 | -42.5% | -107.9 |
Football (-357.9), South America (18.3), Argentina (28.7) | ||||||
Primera División | 2 | 8.5 | 17 | 4.43 | 110% | 18.7 |
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