Difai Agsu - Imisli FK

19.09.2024 - 15:00
Over 3.5 Goals
3.40 (19.09.2024 - 11:06)
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100% up to 130€
Won, profit +24.00

      Both teams started the league with a loss. Difai Agsu finished 2nd from bottom last season, but played really attacking minded near the end and collected plenty of points even from top teams to stay clear of the only relegation place in the league. Back than they had several foreign strikers, and their attacking play made them score plenty of goals, still quite soft at the back. Near the end of last season they hosted Imisli and drew 2-2. In the start of the season when they hosted Imisli they lost 3-0, but they were really awful back than. So I take over 3.5 goals here.

Tips Avg stake Stake Avg odds Yield Profit
Total 185 8.98 1661 3.12 -8.6% -142.76
This month 165 9.13 1507 3.26 -6% -89.9
Football (-142.76), Europe (-171.25), Azerbaijan (20)
First League 1 10 10 3.4 240% 24


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