Turkiye - Portugal

22.06.2024 - 19:00
First Half Total Goals/Over 1.5
2.54 (22.06.2024 - 15:56)
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100% up to 200€
HT 0-2
Won, profit +15.40

Turkiye and Portigal will have their 2nd round game where both sides will make their spot in knock out round by making it draw today, but I expect both sides to try and make win for winning this group so over 1.5 goals in 1st half is my tip.

Tips Avg stake Stake Avg odds Yield Profit
Total 151 8.66 1308 3.89 -7.1% -93.23
This month 10 9.3 93 3.1 40.8% 37.9
Football (-38.33), International (54.22)
European Championship 35 8.11 284 4.84 -8.4% -23.9


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